Dongyoung Kim

Hi! πŸ‘‹

I am currently a Ph.D candidate at Yonsei University, under the supervision of Prof. Seon Joo Kim.

I solve low level photography problems using deep learning.

Research Interests: Computational Photography, Camera ISP, Image Editing

Email : [first name] [dot] [last name]


πŸŽ“ Education

πŸ”Ž Research Experience

Research Intern

Conducted Industry-Academia collaboration projects during graduate student period, with Samsung Advance Institute of Technology (SAIT)

πŸ“œ Publications

ATTIQA: Generalizable Image Quality Feature Extractor using Attribute-aware Pretraining

Daekyu Kwon, Dongyoung Kim, Sehwan Ki, Younghyun Jo, Hyong-Euk Lee,
Seon Joo Kim

ACCV 2024

paper | challenge paper

Attentive Illumination Decomposition Model for Multi-Illuminant White Balancing

Dongyoung Kim, Jinwoo Kim, Junsang Yu, Seon Joo Kim

CVPR 2024

paper | project | code | video | supp

Large Scale Multi-Illuminant (LSMI) Dataset for Developing White Balance Algorithm
Under Mixed Illumination

Dongyoung Kim, Jinwoo Kim, Seonghyeon Nam, Dongwoo Lee, Yeonkyung Lee,
Nahyup Kang, Hyong-Euk Lee, ByungIn Yoo, Jae-Joon Han, Seon Joo Kim

ICCV 2021

paper | project | code | video | data | supp

πŸ… Awards & Honors

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